A letter from our President & Designer Rooster Camisa

A letter from our President & Designer

Hi Rooster Camisa Friends!

Just popping in to introduce myself to you all and share with you a little about me and Rooster Camisa. I am proud to say I am a first generation American from Azorean Portuguese parents.  I grew up in a household where my parents weren’t much farther ahead of me in learning the American ways.  They were very talented people and could pretty much to it all themselves - building houses, growing gardens with all our vegetables, canning fruit, sewing, you name it!

My mom was an amazing tailor and so it was meant to be that I would follow in her foot steps.

I started sewing at 5 years of age after my god mother Eduina gave me a Holly Hobbie sewing machine.  I was so happy to be getting the scraps of fabric my mom would pass me from her left overs of sewing.  I learned by watching her sew the custom pieces she made for others.  

At a very young age I was pretty head strong on what I liked and wanted to do so I learned from watching her and repeating it myself.  Like your typical designer I would throw tantrums (OK I was a kid, they were expected!) when I couldn’t get things to sew together correctly!  

Fast forward to high school and I was pretty much an expert by the time I took home education class.  I started to draw more and more and pull together all the fashion magazine pictures that inspired me and I wanted to learn to make.  Shortly after graduating high school I moved to Long Beach, CA and went to fashion school where  I studied Fashion Design.  

 I’ve been working in the Fashion industry now for 20 years and I have had a wonderful career!  I’ve been a business owner with my own brand for just over 15 years at the same time working full time for national brands.  You pretty much can throw a ball in your local mall and hit a store that I’ve help make clothing for.  My expertise is pattern making and technical design, in short, I get things done!  After all these years of focusing on building up other brands I figured it was time to start a line that is close to my heart and meaningful to those that supported me through all the years, my family!  

 Last year I lost my best friend and biggest fan, my dear mother Lucy!  She was so proud of all my accomplishments and adventures.  She loved to share with the family all the stories about who I was working for and the people I got to meet.   Life isn’t the same without her to share my fun fashion biz stories anymore but I must go on to make her proud in heaven.  

I will be dedicating all my hard work toward building up Rooster Camisa in memory of my mother.  She is in heaven smiling down on all the fun things we are up to around here at Rooster Camisa!  

At Rooster Camisa we are focused on making products with some key fundamentals: honesty, integrity, trust and honor.

We are proud of our culture and feel it’s the right time to put some products in the market that are geared towards  those hard working Portuguese people we all know and love.  

We will make our products with passion and purpose so that you can enjoy them. We all come from immigrant parents that worked hard to make a life and live the American dream.  

We hope you follow us on our new journey and support us along the way.  We will focus on making our products here in the USA and making them in a price conscious matter to make things affordable for all to enjoy.

I am always available to take your suggestions or comments as I take the work we are doing to heart. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact me as I’d love to hear from you!


Goretti Medeiros

Rooster Camisa

President & Designer


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